2022 Tournaments
FPLBC Tournaments
The Frick Park Lawn Bowling Club has a number of tournaments for its members. Often there is a token entry fee for cash prizes that are awarded at the end of the tournament. Also the winners have their names engraved on the tournament trophies.
One Day Tournaments
Bracket Competitions
Men's Singles
Open Pairs
Ladies’ Singles
Novice Singles
Helen Clay Frick Club Championship
Regional and National Tournaments
FPLBC members are also members of the North East Division (NED) and the Bowls USA national organization. Our members are eligible to participate in both regional and national tournaments. Tournaments have an entry fee and are located at various clubs in the North East or nationally. Here is a listing and link to those tournaments. Numerous Frick Park bowlers have participated with great success in these tournaments.
North East Division
May 22-23 Ron Buck Singles - Essex County LBC
June 12-13 Hall of Fame Triples - New York LBC
June 26-27 Lois Saladin Pairs - Frick Park LBC - Results
July 10-11 Colin Smith Pairs - Skytop LBC
August 7-12 Northeast Open - Frick Park LBC - Results
September 11-12 Skip Arculli Pairs - Essex County LBC
October 9-10 East Coast Challenge - Pinehurst, NC
September - National Championships (canceled 2021)
October - US Open (canceled 2021)
2022 FPLBC Results
Two Bowls
(Left to Right)
Colette Satler (3rd Place)
Tony DeCarolis (Champion)
Ted Tragard (Runner-up)
Australian Pairs
(Left to Right)
Mac Wolfson & Larry Stawartz Sr (Champions)
Nick Meddis & Mame Stawartz (Runner-up)
Helen Clay Frick Club Champion
Champion: Russ Sheldon
Runner-up: Bob Heilbronner
4-3-2-1 Tournament
Champion: Larry Stawartz (Pictured)
Runner-up: Ted Tragard
Ladies’ Singles Champion
Champion: Megan Entwistle
Runner-up: Mame Stawartz
Men’s Singles Champion
Champion: Gary Mosso
Runner-up: Richard Lockyer
Mixed Pairs
Champions: Ted Tragard & Eileen Luba (Right)
Runner-up: Mame & Larry Stawartz Sr. (Left)
Open Pairs
Champions: Jeri Spann & Russ Sheldon
Runner-up: Mame Stawartz & Larry Stawartz
Novice Singles
Champion: Mac Wolfson
Runner-up: Pat Ervin