Social Events
Our season begins in April with our Welcome Back Dinner. This catered event includes club announcements for the new year, an update on membership, leagues and tournaments and getting caught up with our friends.
Cookie Night is every other Wednesday Evening at the Clubhouse. Coffee, cookies and conversation after an evening of Triples Bowls.
We have three holiday pot-luck picnics and bowling events on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day. Families are welcome to attend. Our holiday picnics start with the Spider (see video).
The season ends with our awards banquet in October when prizes are presented, elections for board members occur and a review of the past year is provided for all members.
This video is from our Fourth of July picnic which begins with a “Spider”. We all stand in a circle on the green and bowl to a jack in the center. Who ever is closest gets a crisp $1 bill.
Make sure you watch to the very end.
2023 Let’s Go Dinner