Cookie Night

Every other week, we have cookie night after Wednesday evening leagues (9:00 PM). Bowlers gather around the club house enjoying cookies, tea, coffee, and soft drinks.

Triples League teams are assigned jobs (posted on the bulletin board at the greens):

  • Set up – Setup one large table in front of the club house, start coffee (about 20 cups) and tea urns, put out napkins, sweetener, creamer, tea bags, stirrers, and coffee cups.

  • Bring cookies – Each team member should bring 2-3 dozen cookies of their choice. Extra points for homemade cookies.

  • Clean up – Drain and rinse the urns and put them back on the shelf, put away items on the table, and put the table back in the club house.

If there is a rain out, put the cookies in your freezer and bring them the next week.